Chinese culture

Do you know that the Chinese do not eat with a knife and fork? They always cook food of such a size that they can be eaten with sticks without biting. By the way, according to the latest data, China used 45 million disposable sticks per year. This is why the country’s authorities imposed a tax on the use of a large number of disposable sticks in order to reduce their use, instead using metal sticks.

 The Chinese like to call food memorable, interesting or weird names. The names of many dishes have nothing to do with them. For example, a dish called “climbing ants” was redone from minced pork.

The Chinese do not put salt and pepper on the table, since they hardly use these spices from tables in many countries. Instead, you can find chili, vinegar, and soy sauce on their table. And if you ask them for salt, in many cases they will either not understand you, or they will understand and be surprised.

Rice is served on a separate deep plate. Meat, vegetables and other products are also served separately, but in general, for everyone who sits at the table.